Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cyber Bullying

“I hate you”

“Everyone at school hates you, too”

       Hurtful words like these can be part of a cyber bullying attack.  Although recent news has made headlines of college-aged cyber bullies, the emotional development of young adolescents makes middle school another cyber bullying site.
    identifies  four types of cyberbullies :
The Vengeful Angel
The Power-Hungry or Revenge of the Nerds
The “Mean Girls”
    The Inadvertent Cyberbully or “Because I Can”
Each type of cyber bully has its own reasons and methods.  One thing all cyber bullies have in common is the emotional heartache their actions cause.
            Fortunately, school employees and communities are recognizing and reacting to cyber bullying in many ways.  Some districts are hosting evening cyber bullying workshops that are moderated by specially trained police officers.  Some schools have anti-bullying campaigns that include cyber bullying topics.  Companies like “I-Safe, Inc” offer subscriptions and lesson plans to educators. There are many websites that address cyber bullying.  Never an easy topic, cyber bullying has to become a conversation staple.


Guidelines for Middle School Students

As I researched ways ensure ethical student blogging practices, I came across the following article. The author's words made a lot of sense to me.

Here are a treasure of technology ideas from teachers...